Sunday 7 April 2013

Revision help...

I admit that whatever age you are, there are always demands in life. For instance, when you are in primary school; one has to deal with arguments about party invites, and who plays with who in the playground. As you progress into the early years of secondary school, the biggest concern is making friends and keeping up to date with all your homework. I beleive the next few years in your life, exams and work seem to take over. I think the exam stress hits at about year 10 - when GCSE's are first mentioned. This is the beginning of (excuse the cliche) the huge rollercoaster journey that is your teenage years nightmare!
There are lots of positives of being around the age of say, 14-18 years old. You get to meet new friends, you are given more independence all the time. You can learn to drive, you are trusted to stay out later...
However, there always seems to be an underlying anxiety throughout this fun. When you are revising, you are not having fun. But when you're out having fun, you're worrying about revising! Essentially, it's a lose lose situation.
However, as it's coming up to exam time - I would like to try and use my experiences to help everyone else beginning the process.
If I could redo my first exams again, I would change many factors in my management. I would concentrate on quality, not quantity. It's so important (and helpful) to revise smart. Do NOT get distracted by social networking sites, youtube, or your mobile. Switch off everything and sit down with the intention of getting some work done.
Don't push yourself too hard either. It's very easy to set yourself unrealistic goals which quite frankly are impossible to achieve. I remember waking up extremely early (6:30am on some days) to get as much work 'crammed in' as possible. In reality, it took me a long time to properly wake up - and throughout the duration of the day I felt far from fresh and alert.
I would also like to stress how important organisation is. Not only because you will know exactly what you need to do for when - but also it helps to clear your mind. There is nothing easier than sitting down at an immaculate work desk - fresh pads of paper and a colour coded revision chart hung up in front of you. It would be an entirely different story if you had to fath around finding a clean sheet of paper under mountains of rubbish - only to guess what you actually had to revise.
So, what i'm saying is - be prepared. This stage comes in everyone's life - and in general, you get one shot. Use your time wisely - and don't overwork (or underwork!)
Happy revising....

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