Tuesday 9 April 2013

Learning a language - apprendre un langue

Halfway to becoming fluent in french (it's getting there!!) I am constantly noticing the benefits of learning a language

When I first began, I started with the obvious. I would sit in class reciting "blanche, rouge, noire...." before my very enthusiastic teacher by the white board at the front of the class. Although this, at times, could be rather tedious - there was something very satisfying about being able to say these colours in two different ways.

Further down the line, we learnt how to (partially) string sentences together - and this was even more exciting. This new advancement led to the knowledge of "I have a cat" or "I like chocolate."

As we gradually aquired basic grammar knowledge and new vocabulary (beyond basic foods, clothes items and pets!) we could begin to practice our accent and pronunciation. This, for me, was the best part. Being able to completely transform my dialect allowed me to feel a little bit smug!

There is something very sophisticated about speaking french, and indeed any other language. Not only does it act as a key in which to open a whole new box full of oppurtunities, it also gives you a sense of achievement. You can now talk to an entirely new population of people (having said this - many french people can speak perfect english already!)

à bientôt !

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