Saturday 13 April 2013

5 reasons to like the rain....

Yes, I hear you. "There is nothing positive about this weather." "England is horrible." "I want to move to a hot sunny country."
Well, for most of us, the moving isn't an option. However, I would like to remind everyone about the positives of this rubbish  <---- nice (in some ways) weather...
1. Nobody likes going outside in the rain. For once, this is an excuse to stay indoors and just chillax! Whether this means watching your favourite disney movie, or making yourself a hot chocolate and reading a good book, baking some brownies or just turning on some music whilst having a good old dance! There is no point in going outside, so have fun inside!
2. Rain =
3. Yes, I admit that the next positive is a little childish. However, it is satisfying and is one of life's free pleasures...
4. In a trivial / vain context - if you are having a bad hair day, everyone else will be having one too. And you can blame your frizz on nature.
5. Rain washes your car for you!

1 comment:

  1. All great reasons to love the rain. I personally love it and enjoy it as much as possible whenever we happen to get it. It's very scarce where I live So I enjoy it a lot when it does rain.

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    Karla @
